Recruitment Trends

Career Growth Opportunities – Recruiting Candidates for the Future

Job seekers’ expectations are changing, and recruiters need to adjust their methods to attract more candidates. Right now, job seekers are looking for career opportunities with high potential for longevity. Job seekers are no longer interested in temporary positions; they want to create a future for themselves. Recruiters need to promote positions that encourage growth, productivity, and security. 

Recruitment Trends

The global pandemic changed many things, including job trends. For example, remote positions are becoming more in demand as people embrace the benefits of flexible work environments.

Recruiting processes themselves have had to adapt and change; this includes online interviews, promoting flexible positions, and listening to what candidates want out of a work/life balance. To encourage more applicants, recruiters need to increase accessibility, show a healthy work environment, and optimize their technologies to better staff/applicant life.  

Showcase a Strong Learning Environment

Job seekers enjoy being challenged, especially in a career they’re passionate about. Instead of focusing on their paycheck, companies need to lean into applicants’ ambitions. Make it clear that the position calls for new challenges, and the company is looking for staff that wants to learn and are excited about furthering themselves in the field. But, businesses must make sure to follow through with that goal. Applicants aren’t want to stay at a company if they feel underwhelmed with the position, underutilized, and given false promises. Reassuring applicants that there’s a trajectory and opportunity outlined for them to prosper within a business is critical in today’s job market. 

Include Unique Benefits

A high-paying position will always be one of the most attractive aspects of any position. However, job seekers who have highly sought-after skillsets will be entertaining many offers that provide more information/incentives than numbers. 

Instead, businesses will need to take time to re-evaluate position benefits and tailor packages that will include more opportunities. It is important to strike the right note with prospects and listen to what they want to achieve. Going beyond the standard benefits package is necessary in a marketplace with talent shortages. 

Create a Clear Mission Statement

Today’s job seekers want to feel appreciated for their work, but they also want to feel good doing their job and be personally invested in the cause and ideology of the company. If they apply for a position that has vague, compromised, or out-of-touch values, they may not be interested for long. Companies should be transparent about their mission, and make definitive, bold statements that tell applicants what they should know in one sentence. 

Providing the Right Information

Platforms like Google for Jobs are constantly evolving to give job seekers a better experience and more information upfront during the job search process. Google for Jobs’ algorithm could benefit businesses that embrace the job description guidelines and optimize their data for Google’s requirements and job seekers. By promoting career opportunities, flexible options, and a clear mission statement, businesses can create a steadier stream of applicants with the right position expectations in mind.

To learn more about Google for Jobs, please read our accompanying articles: 

Google for Jobs October 1st Updates – What Are the Guidelines?

What Elements on a Job Posting Page Will Negatively Impact Your Google Quality Score?

The New Google for Jobs Guidelines – What Can An ATS Expect?
