Google for Jobs

Google for Jobs, Indeed & Online Job Searches — Jobiak on the Chad and Cheese Podcast

Jobiak’s CEO and founder, Venkat Janapareddy, recently appeared on Chad and Cheese as part of the top HR podcasts’ Voices series, which features some of the most influential figures in the recruitment industry.

In his last couple of appearances on the podcast, Venkat discussed the importance of salary estimates & SEO job descriptions for ranking on Google for Jobs (GFJ).

In this segment, Venket goes over some of the major problems that Google for Jobs is facing versus online job search titan Indeed. If and when Indeed does get on GFJ — which we’ve discussed recently — their millions of jobs, combined with their amazing SEO efforts, will flood GFJ with Indeed postings. 

Between a potential “Indeed invasion” along with some frustrating candidate experience issues, there are some serious issues Google for Jobs needs to address… and fast.

The ‘Indeed Invasion’

One of the major issues discussed in this episode (at the 8:00 mark) is Indeed.

Indeed remains one of the most popular online job search sites on the web. However, as of right now, Indeed job ads are not on Google for Jobs.

The problem for Indeed is that as GFJ gains popularity, Indeed gets less and less direct traffic with more of their traffic coming from organic search on Google. Indeed is going to be forced to get their jobs on GFJ in order to continue to dominate the online job search market.

And, as Venket describes in this episode, “There is no way Google can say no [to Indeed] […] It’ll become a huge antitrust issue if they say no.” 

That’s great for Indeed, but not so great for Google as the candidate experience will suffer. Job seekers only see Indeed jobs that redirect them to Indeed’s site. Then the question becomes: why not ditch GFJ and head over to Indeed only?Specific insights and potential solutions for this Indeed vs Google for Jobs situation starts around the 9:30 mark.

Learn about other current issues with the online job market, what could be coming in the future, along with other expert insights straight from Venkat by listening to the latest Voices episode.
