Candidate Experience

Job Search Websites vs Search Engines with Job Search

As job search technology continues to evolve, the convenience of using search engines to find positions is starting to reach its full potential. Search engines with job search capabilities like Google for Jobs, or social networking platforms like Facebook Job Search are becoming increasingly popular, especially when users can access all the data and features they want at one destination. While job seekers still use sites like, Google for Jobs revolutionized job search opportunities, populating data right within the search window.  

Job Search Websites, ZipRecruiter, and others operate on an established yet outdated job search model. These websites were designed for job seekers looking for job opportunities, but each site competes with one another for job listings and forces employers to pick and promote within siloed sites. Some of these sites require a paid membership to access all their features or focus on posting positions in a specialized profession. Meanwhile, sites like LinkedIn are more designed for networking and require a premium membership to access all features. Users are siloed within the website during the search process, and often forced off-site when they decided to apply for positions.

Search Engines With Job Search

Google for Jobs is an example of a job search feature within an established search engine. On its own, Google is designed for accessing external websites and obtaining information about specific areas of interest. Google for Jobs was designed to capture the attention of Google’s huge demographic of job seekers, approximately 73% of its users. Since its inception in 2017, its AI has evolved to personalize each job seeker’s search and help them find an open position faster without being brought off the platform.

The Decline of Job Search Websites?

Certain job search websites have decreased in popularity due to competition, lack of job postings, and inconveniences for users. The old model these sites are built on has job seekers do more searching, visit multiple sites, and sign up for access to view job postings. Employers understand that this process is not ideal for attracting a steady flow of candidates. 

Google for Jobs

Google for Jobs and other job search platforms within search engines are becoming more popular for their convenience and the vast number of quality job listings. For one thing, Google for Jobs is completely free for all users and doesn’t require a membership to access all its features. Plus, Google uses one login for all its technology, making it easier for job seekers to keep track of their accounts and potential job opportunities. Google is working hard to limit fraudulent posts on Google for Jobs and ensure the best user experience. 

The Future of Job Search

Google and other search and networking platforms understand the value of curated data and in-platform access to job posts. Users value convenience and less clicking to view job opportunities; the consolidation of job data and application processes is the key to keeping the user base happy and returning.

To learn more about Google for Jobs, please read our accompanying articles: 

Google for Jobs October 1st Updates – What Are the Guidelines?

What Elements on a Job Posting Page Will Negatively Impact Your Google Quality Score?

The New Google for Jobs Guidelines – What Can An ATS Expect?
