Candidate Experience

Recruiting for the Tech Industry in 2022

Tech is a market sector and career field that’s been experiencing rapid growth for nearly 30 years and extreme growth for at least the last 15 years. It’s one of the hardest industries to recruit for, as skilled developers, engineers, and everything in between are sought after by all the major tech companies competing for skilled employees within the space. 

Tech recruiters experienced a very difficult 2021, not just because of the ongoing pandemic but also because of the Great Resignation motivating more employees to look for better opportunities. Forbes magazine recently made some predictions for tech recruiting in 2022, and we wanted to take the opportunity to contribute to the conversation. 

Recruiting for Tech – The Landscape in 2022

The chips are heavily stacked on the side of skilled job seekers and not so much on the side of employers and recruiters. Forbes lists four trends it predicts in 2022 for recruiting in tech; international hiring, better treatment for recruiters, recruiter training and boot camps, and candidates shaping the hiring process. From our perspective, these predictions are entirely possible and align with trends Jobiak witnesses each day. 

Our most significant takeaways here are that the job candidate and tech recruiter can both expect better efforts from businesses looking to bolster talent acquisition efforts. We see that both sides can feel success by starting with accurate and quality job post data. 

For the Job Seekers

Candidates do not want to spend their job search sifting through inaccurate, outdated, and “dodgy” job postings by companies that don’t spend the time to meet the needs and information criteria that they desire. Companies finding the most success in recruiting qualified tech talent are listening to the candidate’s desires in the earliest stages of the recruitment cycle. This open dialogue with candidates early on allows recruiters to improve their messaging and hopefully deliver what candidates are looking for before they even have to ask.

For the Recruiters

If recruiters are disadvantaged from the beginning of the talent acquisition process, starting with poor online job postings, there’s a high likelihood that they’ll look for opportunities to recruit elsewhere. As the article notes, technological advances are outpacing many recruiters’ skillsets and industry comprehension, so companies offering regular training and “recruiting boot camps” will likely see better results with tech recruiters communicating with prospects and landing more top-tier talent. 

The quality of the hire comes back to the recruiting process, and tech recruiters need support in the space – starting with attractive, accurate, well-positioned, and informative jobs posts. We are witnessing more and more companies understand that higher-quality jobs posts with accurate data and properly formatted schema yield the results they’re looking for.
