Recruitment Tips: How to Post on Google for Jobs

As the world’s top search engine, Google is the go-to platform when it comes to any type of online search. Recipes, questions, blog articles, and, of course, job searches. So, if you’re an employer looking for recruitment tips, start at Google.

Seventy three percent of job seekers start their search on Google. It’s crucial that you get your job advertisements on Google for Jobs — and get them onto the platform in the right way.

What Is Google for Jobs?

Google for Jobs (GFJ) is a search feature on the Google search engine that aggregates and compiles job listings from across a wide variety of job boards all over the Internet. 

The goal is to make the job search candidate-focused and streamlined, allowing job seekers to find jobs from all over the Internet in a single & convenient location.

Google for Jobs makes it easy for employers and candidates alike to find and display jobs as well as target specific audiences thanks to the filters & Google schema data that optimizes & organizes the postings.

Get all of the details on GFJ in our Ultimate Guide on Google for Jobs.

There are three main methods of how to post on Google for Jobs. Let’s look at those three methods here:

1. Integrated Job Boards

As we mentioned in the previous section, Google for Jobs is more of an aggregator of available jobs as opposed to a job board itself. This means that if your jobs are already posted on job boards that are integrated with Google for Jobs, then you’re done. Kind of.

The listings from integrated job boards will automatically be scraped and pulled from that board and onto Google for Jobs. Most of the big name job boards integrate with Google for Jobs, including:

  • ZipRecruiter
  • Workable
  • Glassdoor
  • LinkedIn
  • Snagajob
  • Monster

Something to note with this option of how to post on Google for Jobs is that Indeed, one of the top job boards in the world with over 250 million visitors monthly, does not integrate with Google for Jobs. Unless you add your job listings to other job boards as well, your Indeed postings will not appear on GFJ.

Also worth noting — importantly — is that while these job boards do optimize for GFJ, their main purpose isn’t necessarily to fill jobs for the companies posting on there. It’s just to get more money from the companies hiring them. This often results in duplicate postings that clog up Google for Jobs for no good reason at all. And posting with a job board elongates the candidate journey; it takes 2.5 clicks on average just to get to a company career page.

Hopefully candidates are still interested in your company after all those clicks.

Google for Jobs vs Indeed. Which should you use?

Learn more about the battle of Google for Jobs vs Indeed, and its impact on recruitment, on our blog.

2. Integrate Directly Using Google Schema

There are other options, though! This comes straight from Google themselves:

ATS providers, job boards, and employers can use job posting structured data to directly integrate with Google. You’ll need to edit the HTML of [your] job postings [with Google schema].”

So what does this mean? 

This means that if you have job postings on your company’s career website or on your own platform, you can get it to integrate with Google for Jobs by adjusting the HTML code of the postings.

What type of adjustment? You’ll need to add Google jobs structured data, better known as Google schema. This schema provides key data and information to Google that helps it understand and evaluate the job posting.

In the case of GFJ, schema is added directly to the HTML code of the page containing the listing. These little bits of added code help Google understand & interpret the contents of the posting and helps categorize where it should appear on a search.

The great news is that anyone can do this! No matter what career site you have or what job you’re posting, you can integrate Google schema, which will get your job on Google for Jobs.

The downside is that Google schema requirements are quite technical and complicated. Many considering using Google for Jobs for employers find themselves intimidated or overwhelmed by them, especially considering the jobs won’t post if there are any errors.

You’ll also need to make a unique landing page for each job posting to help Google crawl the listings easier, which can take a lot of time and effort. 

Learn more about Google schema and how to use it in our Google Schema guide.

3. Use Jobiak

Don’t get discouraged, though! Don’t have the time or technical experience to implement Google schema throughout your job listings, but still need recruitment tips? Jobiak can automate the process for you.

Our AI platform uses machine-learning technology to automatically optimize and publish job listings on Google for Jobs directly from your career site.

The best part? Our recruiting technology ensures that all of Google’s schema requirements are followed perfectly. Our platform also optimizes the postings using targeted keywords & essential Google for jobs ranking signals to get your listings at the top of Google for Jobs’ listings. 

We are the only recruitment technology available with the power to fully automate and optimize listings on Google for Jobs in as little as 48 hours.

Recruitment Tips: Posting on Google for Jobs

Understanding how to post on Google for Jobs is quickly becoming a requirement for recruiters all over the world.

Our expert recruitment tips don’t end there, though. Learn more about the latest recruitment marketing, news, and information on the Jobiak blog.

Interested in learning more about what we do and how we work? Contact us to learn about our offerings and how we can get your job postings to the top of Google for Jobs quickly & easily.
