Recruitment Trends

‘Screening In’ Talent – Responding to a Tight Labor Market

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) recently held a discussion panel with some of the best minds in recruiting. The point of the meeting was to generate ideas and discuss how the tight labor force is affecting recruitment strategies and what recruiters can look to implement today to be more effective in sourcing talent. The discussion was particularly intriguing because it highlighted some of the deeply imbued methods in the recruitment process that are actually working against successful hiring during the pandemic and tight labor market. 

What is “Screening In” Talent?

For decades, recruiters for agencies and businesses of all sizes have been taught to develop methods of “screening out” candidates, casting a wide net, and running candidates through an intensive screening process, hoping that the best candidates will remain. In contrast, other less-suitable prospects are vetted out of the pool. While this type of talent filtering may have been the most effective strategy while the job market is competitive amongst job seekers, it’s counterproductive now, as the labor market is tight, and talent is increasingly harder to source. 

‘Screening in’ is an alternative approach that eliminates tests, red tape, and certification requirements in favor of recognizing competencies and training-up job seekers who are not yet qualified (at least on paper) for the open roles. Screening in job prospects is not about judging job seekers on the accreditation and skillsets they may not currently have but recognizing their strengths and creating opportunities and pathways within the company. 

Taking a Different Approach to a Tight Labor Market

Kristen DesPalmes, director of talent attraction strategy and innovation at BAYADA Home Health Care in Denver, pointed out that hiring for a specific role instead of hiring for the company is not the best way to approach the hiring process during a labor shortage. There are hiring opportunities if the pathway to enter the company is not immediately closed off. Suppose an applicant is not suitable for the original role they went after. In that case, it’s very productive to assess their skillsets for other open positions at the company and not move on from them entirely. 

Pivoting Towards Opportunity 

Agility and adaptation are the keys to successful recruitment strategies during a tight labor market; sticking with “the way things have been done” will not result in an ever-evolving labor market. 

Businesses and recruitment agencies have the opportunity to present their case and stress that regardless of certifications and experience, they are looking for job seekers with talent and a desire to seize opportunities provided to them. 

Jobiak has been working for years to develop proprietary technologies to help businesses, agencies, and recruitment firms garner greater visibility for their online job posts. Jobiaks’ AI-driven systems optimize data in posts to present the most pertinent information to job seekers without forcing them to view multiple web pages and jump from site to site. A well-optimized job post can be the first step of the ‘screening in’ process and the gateway for successful hires.  

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