Google for Jobs

Google Job Listings: 3 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Google for Jobs (GFJ) is one of the best platforms for both employers and job seekers alike to post and find open positions. However, Google job listings aren’t the easiest things to set up.

Unlike other job boards, GFJ is free and allows for great optimization of your listings in order to get them in front of the audience  that you want to target. 

Since over 73 percent of job seekers start their job search on Google, this makes GFJ a convenient and streamlined option for candidates to find positions they’re looking for.

On the other hand, the Google for Jobs schema makes it a bit difficult for many businesses and employers to get their listings on Google. It’s important that they display the right info and have them perfectly optimized for their target audience.

RELATED: Understanding Google Schema on Google for Jobs

Google schema is quite difficult to understand, and it’s required to get your listing on Google for Jobs. 

Even though it’s difficult and confusing for many people to understand, Google job posting problems are made especially confusing because Google doesn’t tell you specifically what is wrong with your job listing schema. 

In this post, we’re going to go over a few common mistakes that people make on Google job listings that could be preventing them not only getting their post in front of the right people, but getting their post appearing at all.

Let’s get started!

1. Location on Google Job Listings

Location is by far the thing we see the most mistakes with on Google job listings, especially with remote positions. Understanding how to indicate where a company or business is located along with indicating whether a job is a remote or work-from-home position is quite difficult with Google schema requirements.

Not only can it be difficult for your location to show correctly, but it’s often difficult to get the location to appear at all. 

This makes it difficult to target the right audience or to get your job listing to appear to the right people. Having it appear in an unrelated location may get you many applicants, but those applicants may not be anywhere near the position, which wastes both your time and theirs.

Not sure how to get the right  location to show on GFJ? Partner with someone who does.

Jobiak’s technology can get your Google job postings & schema optimized with all of the right  information. Learn how here.

2. Salary Information

About 90 percent of jobs on Google for Jobs don’t have the salary listed. And those that do have it listed often have it in the wrong format.

According to our CEO Venkat Janapareddy, “Salary and location — most of the time [it’s these] two fields that make jobs not show up on Google because of the schema’s complexity/syntax.” 

If you do choose to include salary information, the schema is complicated and needs  to be formatted  perfectly… or else it will cause your Google job listing to not show up (yes, the entire listing, not just the salary).

The fact of the matter here is that job seekers want to see the salary listed. If they don’t they often rely on “salary estimates” that appear on sites like Indeed and Glassdoor, which are often incorrect and can set them up with false expectations for your position.

Not only is it important to job seekers, but it’s also important for how your listing ranks on Google for Jobs. Salary is one of the top ranking factors for Google for Jobs listings. 

Lacking the salary or having it input incorrectly could not only impact how applicants view your listing, but it could also mean that your listing won’t rank very well.

Alongside salary, there are hundreds of Google for Jobs ranking signals that can impact your job listing.

Partner with Jobiak to target all the important factors and get your post on Google jobs in front of the right people.

3. Job Category Issues

Including the job category is recommended by Google for GFJ listings, but it’s not required. However, the indicated job category of a listing on Google for Jobs has a huge impact on 

That’s what makes this issue so frustrating for so many. Google is very vague about job categories in GFJ listings along with not having many specific job categories. While Google says the job category is recommended to include in a GFJ listing, it’s not entirely clear how to best optimize jobs into categories. 

This makes it very difficult for employers to properly input the job categories into their listings. And if it’s not included in the schema, it makes it very difficult for the listing to rank well or to even appear in relevant searches.

For example, if a job seeker is looking for a “nurse” position and your job title says “nurse”, you think it would be one of the results for that job seeker. 

However, if you don’t have the right job category included along with the relevant title, the listing often won’t show up, even for a relevant search.

Google for Jobs Listings — Get Them Right to Get Them in Front of Your Audience

These are some of the most common mistakes that we see in Google job listings. However, there are so many more factors that can also negatively affect your listing if you’re not careful. 

Google job listings depend on proper schema and formatting in order to get your job posts in front of the candidates you’re looking for. Without the right formatting or schema & without the inclusion of the right information & keywords, your listings may not rank well or be seen at all.

Take the guesswork out of this process by working with professionals. Jobiak’s AI technology will optimize your Google for Jobs listings so they’ll not only appear on GFJ, but appear in front of your target audience.

Learn more about how we can help you on our site here.
