Food for thought

Intelligent Automation as Recruitment and Retention Tools

Forbes recently published an article that sought to break down where the world is today with intelligent automation as it affects the workforce. At Jobiak, automation, AI, and machine learning technologies are at the core of our proprietary solutions. We appreciate it when any respectable publication attempts to clarify what these technological advancements actually mean when related to today’s labor force. 

Of the questions the article addresses, there were a handful of points we found most interesting related to the labor force, recruitment trends and employee retention. 

Intelligent Automation for Recruiting Practices

There’s a misconception that automation will replace the human factor in any organization or industry. This fear, while conceptually understandable, is not a reality. Recruiters and recruitment organizations rely on intelligent automation to ease the burden of completing some of the more time-consuming, mundane, and draining tasks. 

Recruiters are not using their time correctly if their focus is on administrative tasks such as scheduling or data input reconciliation. Intelligent automation can help alleviate some of these operational needs from recruiters so they can spend their time closing on sought-after prospects and finessing areas that need more “human touch.”

Read Our Blog, ‘Screening in’ Talent – Responding to a Tight Labor Market to Learn How Businesses Are Adapting Their Hiring Practices.

Intelligent Automation Creates Opportunities for Upskilling

It has been covered in our blog previously, but it cannot be overstated that career upskilling opportunities will be critical for employee recruitment and retention as the labor force remains highly competitive. Employees are now looking for opportunities that allow them to self-invest and carve out a clearly defined career path for the future. 

More and more businesses use upskilling opportunities to attract prospects, and intelligent automation can help support this strategy. Suppose the process-driven and time-consuming tasks are removed from employees’ schedules; there is more opportunity to develop the skills that allow employees to get creative as they reinvest in themselves, which prospects are looking for. 

Intelligent automation, when used responsibly and efficiently, is simply another tool to allow businesses to run smoother and keep employees well prepared. The essence of sourcing prospective employees, creating a desirable work environment, and retaining hires will always need the ingenuity, creativity, and flexibility that humans possess. However, intelligent automation, AI, and machine-learning technologies can help remove the mundane tasks that cause employee burnout. 

Jobiak’s goal has always been to help businesses streamline their recruitment efforts and generate greater online job visibility via the latest technologies available. We embrace all the ways automation can help recruitment and retention practices. 

