As we slide into the holidays, we are hitting pause and taking a moment to reflect. Looking back on 2018, we have so much to be grateful for! The positive response we’ve received from the talent acquisition and recruiting industry since launching Jobiak has been remarkable.

Our sincere goes out to gratitude to:
- Tim Sackett and Sarah Reynolds of for sharing your expertise and insights on the Google: One Year Later webinar.
- Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman for inviting our CEO and Founder Venkat Janapareddy to brave the Firing Squad on your Chad and Cheese podcast.
- for spreading the good word about Google Job Check — a tool that lets recruiters quickly find out if their job postings are showing up on Google for Jobs.
- HR Dive for touting Google for Jobs as the “technology of the year” and for sharing Venkat Janapareddy’s perspective on the industry.
- TLNT for sharing the Is Google for Jobs a Job Board Slayer post.
- Strategic HR for highlighting Google for Jobs as one of the nine expected recruiting trends and recommendations for 2019.
- The expert AI developers who are working tirelessly to make a powerful and user-friendly recruitment marketing platform.
- Our talented group of advisors, whose industry knowledge has helped us create a product that serves the current recruitment industry well.
- Early adopters and customers — your enthusiasm has energized us and your feedback has been invaluable.
We are looking forward to 2019 and to collaborating with and serving the recruitment community. If you haven’t tested out Jobiak yet, we invite you to join the fun and get results.