Staffing Recruitment Solution

Help fuel candidate acquisition for your staffing firm

Find Quality Candidates

As a staffing organization, finding quality candidates is core to your business. Our recruitment solution helps fuel candidate acquisition for your staffing firm. Learn how Jobiak’s Machine Learning tools, recruitment marketing, and optimization process can make Google for Jobs a powerful source of candidates to drive your business forward.

Try Jobiak Now!

Get started by posting your job url or upload a PDF. We will scan your post and identify the tags for you to verify, preview, and then publish!

Try Jobiak Now!

Paste the URL of your job post or upload a PDF to get started. We will scan your post and identify the tags for you to verify your preview, and then publish!


Managing your openings through an ATS system? Jobiak can easily integrate with your ATS system and efficiently optimize all of your jobs in an almost real-time environment to ensure Google for Jobs is sourcing candidates for all of your openings. Jobiak provides the best recruitment solution in the industry.

It takes no time to make a huge difference

timeline to get up and running with jobiak with a career site

Whether you are currently using Google for Jobs or not, Jobiak will add considerable value in your effort to find the right talent quickly and cost effectively. Within 96 hours of engaging Jobiak, you will see 100% of your jobs posted on Google for Jobs and ranked in the top 20 of the search results. And as you can see above, this can be done with minimal effort on your part. Let Jobiak’s ML platform do the work for you!


In just minutes, you can upload and optimize your job posting, and streamline the number of clicks from Google for Jobs to your application process.

Interested in learning more about our recruitment solution?